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第六十六章 解决方案(1 / 1)




校长笑着说道:“This dessert looks amazing. It seems we are in for a treat.” (这个甜点看起来太棒了。看来我们有口福了。)

江知念拿起勺子,轻轻挖了一小块蛋糕,送到顾昱珩嘴边,俏皮地说:“Honey, try this.” (亲爱的,尝尝这个。)

顾昱珩宠溺地看着她,张嘴吃下了蛋糕,点头称赞道:“It's delicious. My dear, you should have some too.” (很好吃。亲爱的,你也应该吃点。)

校长看着他们之间的甜蜜互动,不禁感叹道:“The love between you two is so palpable. It makes me believe in true love again.” (你们之间的爱如此明显。这让我又相信真爱了。)


江知念关切地问道:“What's wrong, honey?” (怎么了,亲爱的?)

顾昱珩略带歉意地说道:“It's an urgent call from the pany. I need to step aside for a moment.” (公司的紧急电话,我需要出去接一下。)

江知念理解地点点头:“Go ahead. We'll wait for you.” (去吧。我们等你。)

顾昱珩起身离开座位,走到餐厅外的走廊上接听电话。电话那头传来下属焦急的声音:“Mr. Gu, there's a major problem with the project. We need your immediate decision.” (顾总,项目出现了重大问题,需要您马上做决定。)

顾昱珩的脸色变得严肃起来,他冷静地思考着解决方案,说道:“Don't panic. Let me think for a moment...” (别慌。让我想一想......)



江知念担忧地看着他,问道:“Honey, is everything okay?” (亲爱的,一切都还好吗?)

顾昱珩微微叹了口气,说道:“There's a bit of a problem at the pany that needs my attention. I'm afraid I have to go back and deal with it.” (公司有点问题需要我去处理,恐怕我得回去了。)

江知念轻轻握住他的手,说道:“I understand. Work es first. Don't worry about us.” (我理解。工作要紧,别担心我们。)

校长也说道:“Business is important. I hope everything goes well for you, Mr. Gu.” (生意重要。希望您一切顺利,顾先生。)

顾昱珩感激地看了看他们,说道:“Thank you for your understanding. I'm sorry to have to cut this short. President, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope we have more opportunities to talk in the future.” (谢谢你们的理解。很抱歉要提前结束,校长,很高兴见到您,希望未来有更多机会交流。)

校长微笑着点头:“Definitely. Good luck with your work.” (当然。祝您工作顺利。)

顾昱珩俯身亲吻了江知念的额头,说道:“Take care, my love. I'll be back as soon as possible.” (照顾好自己,亲爱的。我会尽快回来。)


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校长安慰道:“Don't worry, Mrs. Gu. I'm sure he'll handle the problem well.” (别担心,顾太太。我相信他会处理好问题的。)

江知念微笑着回应:“Yes, he always does.” (是的,他一直都可以。)


校长轻轻抿了一口咖啡,目光诚恳地看着江知念,说道:“Jiang, it's truly a pity that you gave up teaching. We just couldn't keep someone as talented as you. Your classes were always so inspiring, and your students adored you. They would often e to me, praising your teaching methods and the passion you brought to the classroom. Your lectures were like a beacon of knowledge, guiding them in the vast sea of learning.” (江,你放弃教学活动实在太可惜了。我们就是留不住像你这样有才华的人啊!你的课总是那么鼓舞人心,你的学生们都很崇拜你。他们经常来找我,称赞你的教学方法和你带给课堂的热情。你的讲座就像知识的灯塔,在浩瀚的学海中为他们指引方向。)

江知念微笑着,眼神中透着温柔,回应道:“President, now I just want to spend more time with my son and family. They are my priority at the moment. I want to witness my son's growth every step of the way. I want to be there for his first words, his first steps, and all the little milestones in his life. My son is just over four years old, and this is such a precious age for him.” (校长,现在我只想多陪陪儿子和家人。他们此刻是我的首要任务。我想见证儿子成长的每一步。我想在他第一次说话、第一次走路,以及他生命中的所有小里程碑时都在他身边。我的儿子四岁多了,这对他来说是如此珍贵的年龄。)

校长点了点头,理解地说道:“I can understand your feelings. But this time, our university has in-depth exchange and cooperation with the universities here in Jingxi City. We are planning to send professors from Victoria University to study and exchange here for half a year. I sincerely hope you can participate. This is not only beneficial for the academic development of both sides but also a chance for you to reconnect with the academic world you once loved. It's a rare opportunity that doesn't e often. Think about how this could enrich your son's future as well, by setting a positive example of pursuing knowledge and growth.” (我能理解你的感受。但这次,我们学校和京西市这边的大学深入交流合作,准备要派出维克利亚大学的教授来京西市学习交流半年。我真心希望你能参与。这不仅对双方的学术发展有益,也是你重新与曾经热爱的学术世界建立联系的机会。这是一个难得的机会,并不常有。想想这也能为你儿子的未来添彩,为他树立追求知识和成长的积极榜样。)


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江知念微微皱起眉头,有些犹豫地说道:“President, I'm currently managing a pany and already have less time to spend with my son. If I take part in this, it would be even less. I don't want to miss out on precious moments with him. My son is at a crucial stage of growth, and I want to be a part of it. Right now, he needs my presence and guidance more than ever.” (校长,我现在还要管理公司,陪儿子的时间已经很少了。如果参加这个,就更少了。我不想错过和他在一起的珍贵时光。我的儿子正处于成长的关键阶段,我想参与其中。现在,他比以往任何时候都更需要我的陪伴和引导。)

校长身体微微前倾,劝说道:“Jiang, this is a great opportunity for both you and the university. Your experience and expertise would be invaluable during this exchange. And think about it, it could also bring new perspectives and resources to your pany. It's not just about the academic aspect; it could have a positive impact on your business as well. It's a win-win situation. Besides, this experience might inspire you to find better ways to balance work and family in the long run.” (江,这对你和学校来说都是一个很好的机会。在这次交流中,你的经验和专业知识将是无比宝贵的。而且想想看,这也可能为你的公司带来新的视角和资源。这不只是学术方面的;它也可能对你的业务产生积极的影响。这是一个双赢的局面。此外,这次经历可能会激励你从长远来看找到更好的平衡工作和家庭的方法。)

江知念轻轻搅动着面前的咖啡,陷入了沉思。过了好一会儿,她缓缓抬起头,说道:“President, let me think about it. I need to balance my family and career carefully. It's a tough decision, and I want to make the right choice for everyone involved. I need to consider all the factors and implications.” (校长,让我想一想。我需要仔细权衡家庭和事业。这是一个艰难的决定,我想为所有相关的人做出正确的选择。我需要考虑所有的因素和影响。)

校长微笑着点头,说道:“Sure, Jiang. I hope you can make a decision that is best for you. Take your time, and I'll be waiting for your response. I have faith that you'll make a wise choice that aligns with your values and goals.” (当然,江。希望你能做出对你最有利的决定。慢慢来,我会等你的答复。我相信你会做出一个符合你的价值观和目标的明智选择。)





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校长见到她,满怀期待地问道:“Jiang, have you made your decision?” (江,你做出决定了吗?)

江知念深吸一口气,说道:“President, I have decided to participate in the exchange program. But I also hope to be able to balance my family time as much as possible.” (校长,我决定参与交流项目。但我也希望能尽可能地平衡我的家庭时间。)

校长脸上露出欣慰的笑容,说道:“That's wonderful, Jiang. We will definitely support you in achieving that balance.” (那太好了,江。我们一定会支持你达到这种平衡。)



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